Wednesday, 24 October 2012

SE7EN opening titles analysis


Analysis of ‘se7en’ (1995):

The opening titles sequence of Se7en lasts for 2 minutes; the music sequence starts off slow with the tempo picking up towards the end when the title of the film is introduced, the music could be portrayed as intimidating because it sounds like that could be associated with danger, and along with the images on the screen of someone using a razor blade to cut off their fingerprints it can be seen as scary. The opening shot is of someone flicking through a book in an extreme close up shot, there is a lack of light which could suggest that the person does not want anyone else to read what is inside and that he could be alone in the room. Also, the fact that we do not know anything about the book, it creates an enigma.
Where there is a shot of a razor blade in someone’s hand, it could be suggested that this person is trying to protect their identity, this could be because they might have committed a crime or are wanted by someone. Further on in the sequence there is a pile of newspapers and we see blood drip down on them, or we perceive it to be blood anyway, it could set an idea in the audiences mind that there could be a death later on in the film. Lastly, there is a shot of the word ‘God’ being cut out of a newspaper, the connotations of God are based around the idea of ethics, faith and morals. This could mean that the person is religious in some way. A lot of enigma and atmosphere is created to make the audience want to carry on watching the film
The colour and lighting in this sequence is a sickly yellow to associate with ageing and perhaps death which is very effective for setting the mood of the film. We get a sense of psychotic behaviour through the crossing out of words and the extreme close-up of the pen and fingers. It’s like the title sequence is drawing us in so close to the action that we can’t look away.

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